國立台北科技大學一向為推動全人教育的建立而努力,在加強美育教育的計畫中,以「藝術」作為課程整合的核心,強調統合的運行。 本校於民國九十三年十二月校務會議通過籌辦「藝文中心」,並將其提升為一級單位,正式於民國九十四年二月一日成立,聘有主任一員,冀望能提供藝文展演的優質環境,並與各教學單位合作,協力推展大學全人教育。 The Art and Culture Center at National Taipei University of Technology aims to promote the concept of holistic education in which each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to humanitarian values. Education with a holistic perspective is focused on the development of every student’ intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potentials. The Art and Culture Center does not only promote connection with art and craft by exhibitions, but also inspirit music context by holding recital and concert regularly. All events are designed to encourage students’ or staffs’ action and participation.