我們都知道,逝去的生命不會再復返,這類的攻擊事件也不會因此消弭,或許「筆誅」本身就是無形的暴力行為,但是誰都不應該因此而直接受到生命威脅。這次事件除了報社編輯和警察受難之外,也有不少漫畫家因此喪命,於是有不少插畫家分享了單圖聲援,或許自由言論不該被無限上綱,但是「誓死守護你說話的權力」卻也是不能被抹滅的價值。目前大約有 28 篇,不過我們相信,接下來一定會有更多類似的作品出現。
註:查理周刊《Charlie Hebdo》,法國報社,經常針對宗教或政治人物推出諷刺漫畫,立場相當左派,具有高度爭議性。這次的事件據信是因《Charlie Hebdo》刊登了一系列嘲諷伊斯蘭教的漫畫,而引發的報復性攻擊。
He drew first (Image credits: David Pope)
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Image credits: Lucille Clerc)
(Image credits: Il Giornaleo)
Unstoppable Charlie Hebdo (Image credits: Joep Bertrams)
Image credits: Ruben L. Oppenheimer
We have avenged you (Image credits: David Fitzsimmons)
(Image credits: Rob Tornoe)
(Image credits: The Independent)
He drew first (Image credits: Rafael Mantesso)
I am Charlie (Image credits: Jamesuary)
Oh no, not them (Image credits: Tommy Dessine)(註:查理週刊對基督教向來也不大友善...)
(Image credits: Ann Telnaes)
(Image credits: JM Nieto)
More Powerful (Image credits: Mac Leod)
Image credits: Orgulloy Satisfaccion
They died for the freedom of expression (Image credits: Nono)
As if we needed more humorless editors (Image credits: Nate Beeler)
I am Charlie (Image credits: Magnus Shaw)
Never! (Image credits: Korneel Jeuken)
(Image credits: Carlos Latuff)
What we do best…(Image credits: Dwane Powell)
(Image credits: Ayesha Mattu)
Without humor we are all dead (Image credits: New York Times)
I am Charlie (Image credits: Jean Jullien)
Ducks(newspapers)will always fly higher than guns (Image credits: Boulet)
The world has become so serious that humor is a risky profession(Image credits: Bernardo Erlich)
(Image credits: Zero)
What’s this little weapon? (Image credits: Satish Acharya)
這個國家怎麼了?用一句話告訴你 A word can tell you all
「大人物噗浪」跟「大人物臉書」跟「大人物G+」 你....還沒加嗎?
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